Monday, October 3, 2011

It is what it is....

So, here it is.  An official record of my train wreck of thoughts...aren't you in for a treat!!

I like to write, and for the time being this is going to be my outlet for just that.  Follow it if you want...uh, or don't.  I don't really care.  At this point, I think this is much more for me than it is you (the reader), just get over yourself and move on if this is not to your liking.

The plan is for me to write about whatever random things come up.  Sometimes the blog will have a focus and direction, and sometimes it may not.  However, I do promise to always be at least somewhat entertaining.  Well, I guess only to those who find sarcastic and irreverent ramblings entertaining.  I'm sure there are a few of you out there!

Anyhow, as for the title of this blog:  "It's Time To Get Over Yourself!"  Well, again...that is for me as much as it is for you.  I know that when it comes down to it, many people's biggest problem is themselves.  I certainly know that NO ONE gets in my way more than me!  So, this blog will at times be used to encourage myself AND others to stop tripping over themselves, to get over their own insecurities and hang ups, and to move on and get done what needs to get done.  This is something I am constantly working on.  I am getting better at it...but, know, old habits die hard. 

I definitely think that before an individual can get over themselves they...uh, er...need to first know themselves.  For some, this is easier said than done.  Many are not too keen on exploring the inner workings of their being. If this is you, take some time to think about that.  If you need a personality or strengths assessment to help you start thinking along those lines (of knowing yourself), than by all means... use one!

For me this is one area I don't tend to struggle with necessarily.  If anything, I think (who am I kidding...I obsess) too much about what's going on in my head and why I am the way I am. At times, I think I am introspective to my own detriment...if that's even possible.  I tend to over think EVERYTHING!!  I guess what I am saying is that it is great to have yourself some intrapersonal skills. But, if all you do is think and never ACT on what knowledge that thinking has revealed...well, then - it's time to get over yourself. 

That's where I'm at.  I'm not totally useless...I mean, I've got some of my crap worked out.  I'm pretty high functioning in general....BUT, I could certainly use a kick in the butt here and there.   I'm assuming I am not alone in this and that there's SOMEONE out there that can identify with this.  If not, oh well... I'll survive, even without you validating my feelings.  Okay, now I'm just being difficult for the sake of it.  It must be time for bed...I get cranky as my body starts to shut down and demand sleep.  :-)

Good night,


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